Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Assignment: Excel
Micheal Jackson-This is it
- Person are so excited about a famous singer or dancer.They are just waiting for that moment to come through.
- He love the world and the world love him.
- He was a legend indeed a good singer and a dancer.
- His dream inspire everyone.
Micheal Moore intense interview with CNN wolf Blitzer
Eliza Dusku and near death experience
TV for chicken
Alarming footage of tropical rain storm flood water.
If the economic system replace with democracy, there will be fairness in the work place. person who are at the lower class of society, if they want to reach the top of the pyramid they have to work hard but in most country the government does not provide the adequate implementation to do so.What is wrong with democracy, why it is not acceptable by society.
Amy wine house out raps
Amy wine house out raps
- Most person just sing for fun they don't care if they miss a note.
Skate boarders play human tetris in SF freebord
Skate boarders play human tetris in SF freebord
- When you are surrounded by friends you engage in certain activity that you will never think of if you were to be alone.
Good news window 7 commercial
beautiful vampire make up
Good news window 7 commercial
- Do not allow kids to inter-fare with your computer system, they will go in to files that they are not suppose to view or access.
beautiful vampire make up
- Most ladies used face cream as a means to express their beauty.
- They used cream that match their face texture so it makes their skin lighter
- Ladies used Hue which is a cool essence to their look.It also make them look younger.
Eliza Dusku and near death experience
- You can loss your job by just making a simple mistake such as using an inappropriate word.
- Person are taking risk with their life just to prove a point.
Crazy Evil dog
Crazy Evil dog
- Everyone has a enemies weather it is people are things in life that you fail to accomplish.
TV for chicken
- Chicken show is all about chicken.They lived there live in darkness.
- They are more violent to attack other chicken because they are in the dark and that make them ignorant.
Alarming footage of tropical rain storm flood water.
- Always get out of vehicle when approaching a flood
- Do not attempt to cross a flooded street
- Move to higher ground.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Assignment # 4: COMPUTER ETHIC
Computer ethic can be define as a set of moral, principles that regulate the use of computer.Ethic include property of right such as copyright, privacy and how computer may affect society.Principles such as the ten commandment for computer ethic are used as guidance but it don't provide information on how to conduct yourself in a local chat room.
Over the years technology advance in computer continue to have a greater impact an society, however computer ethic promotes the interaction of how much influence computer should have in area such as artificial intelligence and human communication.As computer became more and more popular ethic has been develop to address these problem that has raise among these technology.
The computer ten commandment help to deal with problem you face online. such as how to conduct yourself when playing a video game online.Ethic has to do with what right from what wrong. Before you use a computer you should ensure that you know the advantage and the disadvantage.
Over the years technology advance in computer continue to have a greater impact an society, however computer ethic promotes the interaction of how much influence computer should have in area such as artificial intelligence and human communication.As computer became more and more popular ethic has been develop to address these problem that has raise among these technology.
The computer ten commandment help to deal with problem you face online. such as how to conduct yourself when playing a video game online.Ethic has to do with what right from what wrong. Before you use a computer you should ensure that you know the advantage and the disadvantage.
Assignment # 3: PLAGIARISM
Plagiarism is consider as an ethic misbehavior, this occurs when person used other person information without their permission, and take it as their own.Since the development of the Internet has increase, plagiarism has become easier for much persons.It can be considered as a serious act and in some colleges or universities if you commit this offense you can be expel.Over the years programs has been develop to compare person work with other phrases to see if they are identical.
Plagiarism is consider as dishonesty and this can ruin your career, if you are caught doing so.Plagiarism copyrighted is known as copy right infringement and if you are caught you can be sued and if you fail to comply you can spent time in jail.You may also pay damage to compensating your victims for any financial losses due to your theft of materials.
If you want to use other persons work ensure that you gives them credit for it by using a quotation mark, bibliography or include the link which you get the information from.
Plagiarism is consider as dishonesty and this can ruin your career, if you are caught doing so.Plagiarism copyrighted is known as copy right infringement and if you are caught you can be sued and if you fail to comply you can spent time in jail.You may also pay damage to compensating your victims for any financial losses due to your theft of materials.
If you want to use other persons work ensure that you gives them credit for it by using a quotation mark, bibliography or include the link which you get the information from.
Assignment # 2:COPYRIGHT
Copyright can be define as a constitutional protected right that gives authors, artist or the creator of original work the legal right to permits other from using their work.It means that what ever you create you own.copyright begins the moment a song writer record their songs on a tangible medium of expression.As soon as you record on CD or type it has a copyright which gives you certain right over what you create.
Copyright protection has been develop by law that protect copyright owners from the unauthorized use of their work.Almost all works fix in tangible medium are covered by some form of copy protection.
If you want to use other persons work obtain their permission. any unauthorized exercise of any of these right by anyone, but the copyright owner is known as copyright infringement.
Copyright protection has been develop by law that protect copyright owners from the unauthorized use of their work.Almost all works fix in tangible medium are covered by some form of copy protection.
If you want to use other persons work obtain their permission. any unauthorized exercise of any of these right by anyone, but the copyright owner is known as copyright infringement.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Assignment # 1: THE END IS NEAR
Have you ever wonder when god will come? from i was a young man growing up i usually overheard my parent saying that god is coming soon, but does this statement really true. Base an my knowledge of study i have found out that one day this earth will no longer exist. The question stands where will we all go, further studies has shown that those who accept god as the creator of the universe and as the only true and living god will have eternal life with him in heaven.However those who reject his message such as the Antichrists will end up burning in hell.
As time changes men is drawing nearer to the creator to secure a place in heaven. no one knew the end except for the Godhead's who has unlimited powers. men lives are now at risks, each day we get up go to school, work and do other activities without knowing that we are living our life by chance.Jesus coming will be surprising he will come at a moment when we think not, so i beg you to put all the evil things of this world aside that will endeavor you from entering into the kingdom of joy.
As time changes men is drawing nearer to the creator to secure a place in heaven. no one knew the end except for the Godhead's who has unlimited powers. men lives are now at risks, each day we get up go to school, work and do other activities without knowing that we are living our life by chance.Jesus coming will be surprising he will come at a moment when we think not, so i beg you to put all the evil things of this world aside that will endeavor you from entering into the kingdom of joy.
God has gave us his commandment as a means of guidance, so we can lived according to his will, anything outside of that is consider unacceptable. But because of his tender mercy which he has lavish an us we can repent, and get a second chance of life to prove our self.
There coming a time when men will force not to worship god, but as i plead with you death is sure and we have a short life to live, so live your life in a acceptable way that you will never regret in the end.
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