Friday, September 18, 2009

Assignment # 4: COMPUTER ETHIC

Computer ethic can be define as a set of moral, principles that regulate the use of computer.Ethic include property of right such as copyright, privacy and how computer may affect society.Principles such as the ten commandment for computer ethic are used as guidance but it don't provide information on how to conduct yourself in a local chat room.

Over the years technology advance in computer continue to have a greater impact an society, however computer ethic promotes the interaction of how much influence computer should have in area such as artificial intelligence and human communication.As computer became more and more popular ethic has been develop to address these problem that has raise among these technology.

The computer ten commandment help to deal with problem you face online. such as how to conduct yourself when playing a video game online.Ethic has to do with what right from what wrong. Before you use a computer you should ensure that you know the advantage and the disadvantage.

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