Friday, September 18, 2009

Assignment # 3: PLAGIARISM

Plagiarism is consider as an ethic misbehavior, this occurs when person used other person information without their permission, and take it as their own.Since the development of the Internet has increase, plagiarism has become easier for much persons.It can be considered as a serious act and in some colleges or universities if you commit this offense you can be expel.Over the years programs has been develop to compare person work with other phrases to see if they are identical.

Plagiarism is consider as dishonesty and this can ruin your career, if you are caught doing so.Plagiarism copyrighted is known as copy right infringement and if you are caught you can be sued and if you fail to comply you can spent time in jail.You may also pay damage to compensating your victims for any financial losses due to your theft of materials.

If you want to use other persons work ensure that you gives them credit for it by using a quotation mark, bibliography or include the link which you get the information from.

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